Alright, I previously mentioned that we are fast approaching Extreme Blog Makeover. Since I’m no longer doing a loop of the world, the title Kristen vs. Earth feels a bit rich. More like Kristen vs. The Pile of Clothes In The Backseat of Her Car: Because She Knows She Left A Snickers Back There. Yet each challenge is noble in its own right, and so I persevere. Anyway, here is the short list of candidates for the updated blog’s title:
- Kristen’s Blog
- Blog by Kristen
- Kristen: A Blog
- Kristen: The Blog
- “ “ (the blog formerly known as Prince)
- Sorry for Partying
- Blogging Molly
- My blog ate my homework
- Oh I have a bachelor’s degree
- My blog ate my resume, job apps, work ethic, and drive to succeed
- Cyndi Lauper is literally perfect
- Bro ho 4 Jesus
- I h8 the Holocaust
- The Fartorialist (I am so sorry)
- F33L1NG5
- Virgin Mary II: The Prologue
- The Official Team LC Blog
- Live, Laugh, Club
- Why does my hair look like a bee hive every day
- This laptop is burning my stomach
- All I want to do is eat and go to waterparks
- I have a surfboard and a Blackberry, why can't I get a boyfriend
- We’re looking at the same moon
- hAiR n mAkEuP tIpZ
- Silverlake: The Real Jersey Shore
- Wait, are we groupies?
- Oh my gosh you got an 8.6 on Pitchfork, congratulations. What are you guys doing after this?
- Id rather be making my own venison jerky!
- Deutsche Bags R Us: Your Source for German Handbags
Still brainstorming and openly accepting suggestions.
Well I've got to fly because we're going to see some bands on Sunset with the guys in our house in a few minutes, and at the moment I'm wearing combat boots and a nightgown while Carly looks like Jon-Benet Ramsey. Gotta compete. Until we meet again!
-Marilyn Mantis