Monday, January 26, 2009

blah blah blah


(insert dumb joke re: a growth spurt, human stretching machine, or similar)


One great thing about PLNU is its proximity to everything. Disneyland is an hour and a half, Mexico is approx. 3o seconds (by jet), and SeaWorld is walking distance (I walked there once and it took over an hour, but still). So on Sunday Kelsey and I took a day trip up to LA to shop at a vintage/antiques flea market and get lunch and obsessively stare at anyone who looked like they could vaguely be John Stamos.

I can safely say we spent 40% of our day missing freeway junctions. And another 30% driving the wrong direction on the 805. 'South' and 'North' have very little in common, come to find out. And the rest of our time we dedicated to almost getting in huge car accidents and then cackle-laughing like Satan while simultaneously yelling at each other and then taking the blame for things the other one of us did. Kelsey barely escaped driving through someone's open car door (complete with car door owner) on Melrose Ave and then I apologized because I had been loosening my belt instead of preventing it. Then later I devised a clever plan to save time by switching lanes in the middle of an intersection, while turning left, without looking over my shoulder. I'll just say... you win some, yes, but you definitely lose some. Like in this case.

Here are some pictures from our outing:

We bought this antique mini table for 6 bucks. Then we carried it all over LA and even had lunch with it. "Table for 3 please"

Believe it or not, I was actually attempting to take a self-pic of myself, and then dropped the camera and ended up with this. Miracles are real.

8 seconds into the autotimer I panicked and last minutedly re-situated the table, strategically placing it directly on Kelsey's foot before assuming my adorable pose. If you could see her eyes you would see extreme rage.

Let's take a closer look...

hmm, roger that.
